Automation Anywhere
What will you automate next

Automation Anywhere Partnership


Automation Anywhere is the No.1 Cloud automation platform, delivering robotic process automation (RPA) and process intelligence solutions across all industries to automate end-to-end business processes. The company offer the world’s only cloud-native platform combining RPA, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics to automate repetitive tasks and build enterprise agility, freeing up humans to pivot to the next big idea and build deeper customer relationships that drive business growth.


Camara Education / Automation Anywhere partnership

The partnership with Camara Education supports shared goals and Automation Anywhere’s vision for social impact; to fuel the future of work by empowering non-profit organisations with automation technology access and AI for good, and uplifting human lives with training for future-ready jobs. Using donated resources from Automation Anywhere, including laptops and other IT equipment, we can make a real impact on the lives of disadvantaged students.


Automation Anywhere’s partnership with Camara has three main objectives:

  • To improve student educational outcomes and support Camara’s African school projects with laptop computers and other IT equipment from Automation Anywhere’s global offices
  • To use the power of digital marketing to build awareness about the importance of access to technology and encourage other companies and donors to partner with Camara.
  • To leverage Automation Anywhere’s expertise and products to complement Camara’s projects and internal processes.

Results so far

Leveraging 191 donated items from Automation Anywhere, Camara built two labs benefitting 1,400 African students with networked infrastructure, computers and equipment with educational content, teacher training, and technical support. By working with Camara, the repurposed IT donations also yielded important sustainability outcomes, such as saving 29.9 million litres of water and 343 kilograms of waste from landfills.

Donor Comments

“Thank you for the wonderful work you do. We are glad to have you as a partner to deliver all this equipment to areas in need. The service you’ll perform is so needed and would not happen without your team’s dedication.”

Neeti Mehta – Co-founder, Social Impact Officer