Mercy’s Journey with Camara Education Kenya: From Kavuko Primary in Kenya to aspiring computer scientist 

Mercy’s Journey with Camara Education Kenya

Mercy’s Journey with Camara Education Kenya: From Kavuko Primary in Kenya to aspiring computer scientist

Mercy Mulwa, a 17-year-old Form 4 student at Makueni Girls Secondary School, stands on the brink of graduation with a clear vision for her future. Her journey with technology, inspired by the initiatives of Camara Education, has been transformative, fueling her ambition to become a computer scientist.

The Beginning: Kavuko Primary School

Mercy’s first interaction with computers happened at Kavuko Primary School, thanks to Camara Education under the iMlango project. Before the arrival of these computers, the concept of digital learning was foreign to many students at Kavuko, including Mercy.

The day the computers were unveiled, excitement rippled through the school. Mercy recalls the thrill of seeing the ICT devices, a gateway to a world she had only heard about. With guidance from their teachers, the students learned how to use the computers, exploring educational software that made learning interactive and fun.

For Mercy, the computer lab became her favourite place. She quickly mastered the basics and began to delve deeper into the digital world. The computers not only enhanced her learning experience but also ignited a passion for technology that would shape her future ambitions.

A New Chapter: Makueni Girls Secondary School

When Mercy transitioned to Makueni Girls Secondary School, she was delighted to find that Camara Education, with support from Dell (through the Dell STEM STEPS Towards Positive Futures Project), was continuing to support the school with technology in education. The familiar sight of the Camara computers in the school’s upgraded lab brought a sense of continuity and excitement.

The program at Makueni Girls was even more advanced, offering a wide range of software and resources that enabled students to further develop their skills. Mercy seamlessly transitioned her knowledge from primary school and eagerly embraced the new learning opportunities.

Thriving with Technology

At Makueni Girls, Mercy excelled in her computer studies classes. She was often found in the computer lab, working on projects, helping classmates with computer issues. Her dedication and enthusiasm did not go unnoticed; she became a leader in the school’s computer club and participated in numerous competitions, earning recognition for her projects.

The support from Camara Education computers was instrumental in her growth. The access to modern technology and educational software expanded her horizons and deepened her understanding of the digital world. Each achievement reinforced her belief that she could achieve her goal of becoming a computer scientist.

Looking to the Future

Now in her final year, Mercy reflects on the incredible journey she has had. The inspiration and opportunities provided by Camara Education have been pivotal in shaping her dreams and aspirations. She is filled with gratitude and determination, ready to take the next step toward her future.

Mercy plans to pursue a degree in computer science, driven by the dream of working in the tech industry and contributing to the development of innovative solutions that can make a difference. She also hopes to give back to her community, inspiring and mentoring young students, especially girls, to pursue careers in technology.

“I believe I can achieve my goals because of the foundation Camara Education has provided me,” Mercy says confidently. “The access to computers and digital learning has not only equipped me with the necessary skills but has also shown me the endless possibilities that lie ahead.”

Mercy’s journey from Kavuko Primary to Makueni Girls Secondary School is a testament to the transformative power of technology in education. Her story is one of inspiration, resilience, and the unwavering belief that with the right tools and opportunities, anyone can achieve their dreams. As she prepares to graduate, Mercy stands as a beacon of hope and a role model for other young students aspiring to make their mark in the world of technology.

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