Olympia Park Secondary School is based in Lusaka, Zambia. It currently caters for 3309 students who are completing their secondary education from Grade 8 up to Grade 12. The school has 62 teachers with an average class size of approximately 72 students. Due to the number of students attending the school, there is a split timetable with students attending for either morning or afternoon sessions.
Before Camara’s intervention, as part of the ‘Tech for All’ project funded by Lenovo, the school had only 14 computers.
Fumboni Gondwe, pictured here with her teacher Suzyo Nachali, is a 14 year old student currently studying in Grade 9 at Olympia Park Secondary School in Lusaka, Zambia.
Fumboni said: ‘I love using the computers to learn, they are fun and I now know how to do a lot of things on them. I have a great teacher and she has helped me to learn so many new things on the computer which has helped my studies. I want to work hard and finish school as I always wanted to be a doctor but now I would also like to be a computer specialist’.
From another of the schools that our partnership with Lenovo has enabled us to help, we received the following message:
‘I write on behalf of Butondo secondary school to express our heartfelt gratitude for the job well done, from the very beginning when the news broke of the computer donation to our school, the Camara team has been outstanding in ensuring that the whole process is actualised.
As a school we will remain indebted to Camara as an organisation for the job well done. From the installation of the computers by Francis to the training by Emmanuel everything went on well.
May God richly bless Camara as an organisation.’