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Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders:

Celebrating World Youth Skills Day with Camara Education

World Youth Skills Day was founded to celebrate the importance of providing young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship. At Camara, we believe that equipping youth with digital skills and knowledge is central to unlocking their full potential and driving positive change in their communities.  It is at the heart of everything we do, but exemplified in particular by two programmes: our internships in Kenya, and our Youth Digital Skills course in Tanzania.

Internships in Kenya

Camara Kenya’s Internship programme is a 3-month course designed to equip participants with hands-on ICT skills in a real- world work environment. The initiative attracts students in various IT disciplines from universities and colleges across the country. The participants are based in our Mombasa Hub for day-to-day training and also undertake fieldwork activities in our local schools. The programme has supported almost 600 students to date, 40 of them in 2023.

 By the end of the course, students have mastered vital skills including network setup and configuration, software installation & administration, and PC/laptop troubleshooting and repair.  They are also taught soft skills such as marketing and how to conduct themselves in the workplace. These in-demand techniques place them ahead of the competition in the job market and help them explore opportunities for self-employment.

Tanzania – YDS

Camara Tanzania recently completed a successful pilot of its Youth Digital Skills As a result, 12 youths have been equipped with the essential digital skills needed in today’s workplace. The programme offered new opportunities for individuals in Dar es Salaam who had previously faced challenges in accessing education or employment.

Among the participants, six have already secured direct employment opportunities with national companies, while others have embraced freelancing as a livelihood. We are thrilled with the outcome of this pilot project and hope to roll out an even better version in the future, based on what we have learnt.

Graduate Testimonies

21-year-old Janeth George successfully completed the YDS course in Tanzania, and it has literally changed her life:

Thanks to the Youth Digital Skills Program, I am now employed by Dospects Studio. My family believed in marriage, and I struggled to break free from that expectation due to financial dependence on them. But now, after completing the programme, I have gained employable skills and managed to get work. Many thanks to Camara Education, Tanzania.”

Everlyne Mkabili is currently interning with Camara Kenya:

“I am  a student from Kenya Coast National Polytechnic pursuing a Diploma in Information Communication Technology. I am currently enrolled as an intern at Camara Education Kenya, a charity that provides computers, teacher training, and innovative learning programs to schools across Africa.

I came to know Camara through a teacher at Ribe Girl’s High School – I received three offers of attachments but the teacher advised me to select Camara since it was the best.

From the very start of the attachment, the learning environment has been friendly and understanding and the skills I have learned so far are top-notch. Among other things, I have learned how to dismantle and assemble all the external and internal parts of a PC; how to install various operating systems to different PCs; how to troubleshoot by running diagnostics; and how to make storage devices bootable.

With these few but important skills, I have been able to help a computer teacher at Ribe Girls’ High School solve a problem with one of his computers that had stopped working (the computer was not powering on, and if it was powering on, there was no display). I gave a solution to this scenario by asking him to remove the PC RAM sticks and clean them, as well as the RAM slots. I also asked him to check the power cable supplying power to the motherboard. After a few minutes, I received feedback from the same teacher, who happily explained to me that the directives I gave him worked successfully.

 As we continue with this program, my hope is to gain more skills so that I can use them to build my future career as an IT Support Specialist.”                    

Irene Gabriel is a Graphic Design graduate of the YDS Program in Tanzania. She said:

“Before starting the training, I aspired to be a soldier, but that path wasn’t accessible. This program became a way for me to acquire additional skills. Now, my ambition is to excel as a graphics designer, leveraging the skills I’ve obtained.”

Kelvin Kirimi Mutuma, a former student at the Star Institute of Professionals, completed Camara Kenya’s internship programme in 2022 and is currently working at Erido Computer Solutions in Mombasa. He said:

“I was born and raised in the outskirts of Mombasa, in a place called Meru, 27 years ago. Growing up in a humble background, my parents did just enough to provide shelter and basic education. It never crossed my mind that one day I would be among the best technicians in the city.

My journey as a technician started in 2022 after completing my Diploma in ICT and CISCO Networking course at Star Institute of Professionals. At the end of my course, I heard about Internship programs at Camara Education Kenya and decided to join. Looking back, I am glad I made the decision – this is where I expanded my knowledge base and garnered experience, which has proved to be invaluable. The team of experts at Camara Kenya is more than willing to help young men and women cross the gap between school graduation and the job market.

Camara Education Kenya equips interns with skills to navigate the job market.  While interning at Camara, I had the opportunity to put into practice what I had learned in school. I did all this without the fear of making mistakes since the experts at Camara encouraged us not to fear mistakes but instead to embrace and learn from them. The trainers at Camara allowed us to tag along for field work. The number of trips I made to schools within Mombasa County for computer maintenance and networking is countless. This exposure has jumpstarted my career as a networking and computer technician at Erido Computer Solutions.

At Erido, I have undertaken different roles including computer repair, CCTV installation and maintenance, as well as being a sales agent. All this is a result of the interpersonal skills I gained from Camara Education Kenya, which have enabled me to navigate the job market efficiently.

Today, I pride myself on being among the best computer and networking technicians, courtesy of Camara Education Kenya. Thank you, Camara, for the opportunity to train with you and help kickstart my career.”


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

This year, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is highlighting the importance of advancing communication technologies for sustainable development. Digital innovation can help connect the world and unlock sustainable prosperity for all. According to the UN, digital technologies can help achieve 70% of the targets of their Sustainable Development Goals. Now more than ever, building a sustainable future demands innovative thinking and action in the digital world. 

With 2.6 billion people still unconnected, glaring digital gaps hinder innovation across much of the world. Many countries are struggling to keep up in today’s fast-changing digital landscape. 

Camara Education aims to be part of the solution. We are dedicated to empowering communities through technology-enabled learning. In a world where access to information and communication technology is vital, we are at the forefront of leveraging technology to revolutionise education and drive sustainable progress.

Digital innovation empowering education:

Camara Education recognises that access to quality education is a fundamental right and a catalyst for sustainable development. However, millions of children worldwide still lack adequate educational resources, hindering their opportunities for growth and progress. Camara works in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia to establish digital learning centres in schools. We repurpose and refurbish IT equipment donated by businesses around the world, adding educational software and appropriate training to transform used hardware into powerful learning tools.


Digital Learning Centre, Ethiopia

Empowering educators for impactful teaching:

Camara Education understands that technology alone is not enough; educators need support and training to effectively integrate it into their teaching practices. Thus, Camara Education provides comprehensive teacher training programmes, ensuring educators are equipped with the skills and resources needed to leverage technology for enhanced learning experiences. By empowering educators and school leaders, Camara Education amplifies the impact of digital innovation in classrooms, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Customised solutions for local communities:

One size does not fit all in education, especially in diverse global contexts. Recognising this, Camara Education’s local teams work with local authorities, schools and other stakeholder to customise digital solutions that align with each region’s educational needs and challenges. Whether it’s curating digital content tailored to local curricula or providing technical support, Camara Education ensures that its interventions are contextually relevant and sustainable, maximising their impact on student learning outcomes.

Promoting Environmental Sustainability:

In addition to driving educational impact, Camara Education is committed to promoting environmental sustainability. By refurbishing, repurposing or sustainably recycling used equipment, Camara Education not only extends the lifespan of electronic devices but also reduces electronic waste, contributing to a more sustainable future and promoting the circular economy. Our work not only conserves precious natural resources but also reduces the energy and carbon emissions associated with manufacturing new electronics. Additionally, by diverting e-waste from landfills, we prevent harmful pollutants from contaminating the environment. 

Get involved:

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day serves as a reminder of the immense potential of digital innovation to drive sustainable development. Camara Education’s work exemplifies this potential, showcasing how technology can be harnessed to transform education and empower individuals and communities. To find out how you can get involved, request a call back.

Dell screen

Maintenance and Support: a hidden side of our work

Maintenance and technical support are a crucial part of Camara Education’s work with schools, especially given the often hot and dusty climates where we operate.

The first priority is to check the hardware, ensuring both external and internal parts are clean and free from dirt and dust, helping to prevent overheating and maintain optimal airflow, performance and reliability. We’ll perform software updates and review functionality, performance and usability based on user feedback. Data backup and regular checks for disk errors safeguard important files and prevent data loss due to hardware failures or accidental deletion. And finally our technicians ensure that network infrastructure components such as switches and routers are properly performing and reliable.

These maintenance practices ensure the smooth operation, security and reliability of the computer lab hardware, software and network, enabling students, faculty and staff to maximise their productivity and utilise lab resources effectively.

James Jira at Kamulalani Secondary School

James Jira is one of our technical officers in Kenya, working in particular on the digital learning centres that form part of our STEM STEPS partnership with Dell Technologies. Here, he is carrying out regular maintenance visits to schools and installing one of our high-end servers in a secure cabinet. This provides a physical barrier that protects the server from unauthorised access, tampering and damage. It also helps create a controlled environment for the server, shielding it from dust, dirt, moisture and other environmental hazards. This helps maintain optimal operating conditions and prolongs the lifespan of the vital hardware.

Makueni County Technical Training Institute