
Tech Skills Training in Zambia

Kabwe School for Continuing Education aims to offer technical skills to students aged 15-30 who have dropped out of mainstream education. It is located in Kabwe, a historic mining and agricultural town about 140km north of Lusaka, in central Zambia. Camara Zambia installed a Digital Learning Centre in the school, with funding through our partnership with Lenovo, including 25 computers and a server packed with educational content. We also trained the school’s teachers so that they could pass on their knowledge to the students and ensure maximum benefit from the Centre. This is what three of the young people who have used the Centre had to say:

“My name is Longwani Luckson, I live in Central Province in Kabwe town and I’m studying Computer Studies.

My whole course so far has been a great journey for me. I have learnt a lot about computers such as how to use applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher. Before I knew about these techniques it was quite difficult for me to work with Office applications, but now I can say I’m an expert in all of them.

Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, I remained steadfast in my dedication to mastering the intricacies of computer science. I spent countless hours immersed in coding, networking and troubleshooting, fuelled by my ambition to make a difference in my community through technology.

I use computers for communication, to gain knowledge and to keep in touch, and I have been developing educational software for local schools and creating e-commerce platforms for small businesses, each endeavour fuelling my desire to make a positive impact through technology.

Through hard work, perseverance and unwavering determination, I have overcome obstacles and emerged as a promising young technologist in Kabwe. My journey is just beginning, but I am ready to embrace the challenges ahead, armed with my passion for computers and a relentless drive to succeed.”

Longwani Luckson Kabwe School for Continuing Education
Longwani Luckson

“My name Is Chongo Makamba, and I study Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at Kabwe School for Continuing Education.

Starting with almost no experience, I have learned that a computer is an electronic device or machine which retrieves, stores, processes and manipulates data. When I first started my course, I used to face many challenges on how to operate a computer, including typing. I used to be slow and even finding a letter on the keyboard could be a challenge. But over time I have improved, so now I can type faster and make different types of documents on a computer such us birthday cards, brochures, menu cards, calendars, etc.

Furthermore, the computers have proved helpful in numerous ways – for research, writing of assignments, creation of different types of documents and so on. I have improved my digital skills and feel prepared for the future.”

Chongo Makamba - Kabwe School for Continuing Education
Chongo Makamba

“My name is Goodson Chipapala, hailing from Kabwe district. I am currently doing a certificate in Computer Studies. I found my passion ignited by the endless possibilities that technology offers; computers have become more than just gadgets to me; they are portals to a universe waiting to be explored.

In my early days, my interactions with computers were limited to gaming and basic tasks. However, as I delved deeper into the digital realm, I discovered a newfound fascination for research. With each click of the mouse and every stroke of the keyboard, I embarked on a journey of knowledge acquisition and personal growth.

My interests led me to explore diverse subjects, including Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. With each topic I delved into, I honed my research skills, learning to discern credible sources from mere conjecture. Through perseverance and determination, I gradually became adept at synthesizing information, analysing data, and presenting my findings coherently.

My time at Kabwe Skills Institute became a pivotal chapter in my story. Here, I not only expanded my technical proficiency but also cultivated a deeper understanding of how technology can be harnessed for research and innovation. Courses in Computer Science and Information Technology equipped me with the tools to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and precision.

Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of technology. From a curious enthusiast to a skilled researcher, my journey has been one of continuous growth and discovery. As I look to the future, I am filled with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead, knowing that with each keystroke, I am one step closer to unlocking new horizons.”

Goodson Chipapala - Kabwe School for Continuing Education
Goodson Chipapala

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

This year, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is highlighting the importance of advancing communication technologies for sustainable development. Digital innovation can help connect the world and unlock sustainable prosperity for all. According to the UN, digital technologies can help achieve 70% of the targets of their Sustainable Development Goals. Now more than ever, building a sustainable future demands innovative thinking and action in the digital world. 

With 2.6 billion people still unconnected, glaring digital gaps hinder innovation across much of the world. Many countries are struggling to keep up in today’s fast-changing digital landscape. 

Camara Education aims to be part of the solution. We are dedicated to empowering communities through technology-enabled learning. In a world where access to information and communication technology is vital, we are at the forefront of leveraging technology to revolutionise education and drive sustainable progress.

Digital innovation empowering education:

Camara Education recognises that access to quality education is a fundamental right and a catalyst for sustainable development. However, millions of children worldwide still lack adequate educational resources, hindering their opportunities for growth and progress. Camara works in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia to establish digital learning centres in schools. We repurpose and refurbish IT equipment donated by businesses around the world, adding educational software and appropriate training to transform used hardware into powerful learning tools.


Digital Learning Centre, Ethiopia

Empowering educators for impactful teaching:

Camara Education understands that technology alone is not enough; educators need support and training to effectively integrate it into their teaching practices. Thus, Camara Education provides comprehensive teacher training programmes, ensuring educators are equipped with the skills and resources needed to leverage technology for enhanced learning experiences. By empowering educators and school leaders, Camara Education amplifies the impact of digital innovation in classrooms, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Customised solutions for local communities:

One size does not fit all in education, especially in diverse global contexts. Recognising this, Camara Education’s local teams work with local authorities, schools and other stakeholder to customise digital solutions that align with each region’s educational needs and challenges. Whether it’s curating digital content tailored to local curricula or providing technical support, Camara Education ensures that its interventions are contextually relevant and sustainable, maximising their impact on student learning outcomes.

Promoting Environmental Sustainability:

In addition to driving educational impact, Camara Education is committed to promoting environmental sustainability. By refurbishing, repurposing or sustainably recycling used equipment, Camara Education not only extends the lifespan of electronic devices but also reduces electronic waste, contributing to a more sustainable future and promoting the circular economy. Our work not only conserves precious natural resources but also reduces the energy and carbon emissions associated with manufacturing new electronics. Additionally, by diverting e-waste from landfills, we prevent harmful pollutants from contaminating the environment. 

Get involved:

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day serves as a reminder of the immense potential of digital innovation to drive sustainable development. Camara Education’s work exemplifies this potential, showcasing how technology can be harnessed to transform education and empower individuals and communities. To find out how you can get involved, request a call back.