
Tech Skills Training in Zambia

Kabwe School for Continuing Education aims to offer technical skills to students aged 15-30 who have dropped out of mainstream education. It is located in Kabwe, a historic mining and agricultural town about 140km north of Lusaka, in central Zambia. Camara Zambia installed a Digital Learning Centre in the school, with funding through our partnership with Lenovo, including 25 computers and a server packed with educational content. We also trained the school’s teachers so that they could pass on their knowledge to the students and ensure maximum benefit from the Centre. This is what three of the young people who have used the Centre had to say:

“My name is Longwani Luckson, I live in Central Province in Kabwe town and I’m studying Computer Studies.

My whole course so far has been a great journey for me. I have learnt a lot about computers such as how to use applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher. Before I knew about these techniques it was quite difficult for me to work with Office applications, but now I can say I’m an expert in all of them.

Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, I remained steadfast in my dedication to mastering the intricacies of computer science. I spent countless hours immersed in coding, networking and troubleshooting, fuelled by my ambition to make a difference in my community through technology.

I use computers for communication, to gain knowledge and to keep in touch, and I have been developing educational software for local schools and creating e-commerce platforms for small businesses, each endeavour fuelling my desire to make a positive impact through technology.

Through hard work, perseverance and unwavering determination, I have overcome obstacles and emerged as a promising young technologist in Kabwe. My journey is just beginning, but I am ready to embrace the challenges ahead, armed with my passion for computers and a relentless drive to succeed.”

Longwani Luckson Kabwe School for Continuing Education
Longwani Luckson

“My name Is Chongo Makamba, and I study Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at Kabwe School for Continuing Education.

Starting with almost no experience, I have learned that a computer is an electronic device or machine which retrieves, stores, processes and manipulates data. When I first started my course, I used to face many challenges on how to operate a computer, including typing. I used to be slow and even finding a letter on the keyboard could be a challenge. But over time I have improved, so now I can type faster and make different types of documents on a computer such us birthday cards, brochures, menu cards, calendars, etc.

Furthermore, the computers have proved helpful in numerous ways – for research, writing of assignments, creation of different types of documents and so on. I have improved my digital skills and feel prepared for the future.”

Chongo Makamba - Kabwe School for Continuing Education
Chongo Makamba

“My name is Goodson Chipapala, hailing from Kabwe district. I am currently doing a certificate in Computer Studies. I found my passion ignited by the endless possibilities that technology offers; computers have become more than just gadgets to me; they are portals to a universe waiting to be explored.

In my early days, my interactions with computers were limited to gaming and basic tasks. However, as I delved deeper into the digital realm, I discovered a newfound fascination for research. With each click of the mouse and every stroke of the keyboard, I embarked on a journey of knowledge acquisition and personal growth.

My interests led me to explore diverse subjects, including Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. With each topic I delved into, I honed my research skills, learning to discern credible sources from mere conjecture. Through perseverance and determination, I gradually became adept at synthesizing information, analysing data, and presenting my findings coherently.

My time at Kabwe Skills Institute became a pivotal chapter in my story. Here, I not only expanded my technical proficiency but also cultivated a deeper understanding of how technology can be harnessed for research and innovation. Courses in Computer Science and Information Technology equipped me with the tools to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and precision.

Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of technology. From a curious enthusiast to a skilled researcher, my journey has been one of continuous growth and discovery. As I look to the future, I am filled with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead, knowing that with each keystroke, I am one step closer to unlocking new horizons.”

Goodson Chipapala - Kabwe School for Continuing Education
Goodson Chipapala
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Refresher Training for Teachers

Camara Education’s team in Kenya recently completed Refresher Training sessions for teachers in five counties — Mombasa, Kilifi, Makueni, Kajiado and Uasin Gishu.

This training was part of the STEM STEPS Project, with support from Dell Technologies, and serves a number of important purposes:

  1. Updating Skills and Knowledge: Technology evolves rapidly, and refresher training helps teachers stay up to date with the latest ICT tools, software applications and teaching methodologies. It ensures that teachers have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices.
  2. Enhancing Teaching Practices: The Refresher Training equips teachers with innovative instructional strategies and techniques for integrating technology into lesson planning, content delivery and student engagement. It helps them leverage ICT tools to create interactive learning experiences, promote critical thinking and facilitate personalized learning.
  3. Improving Digital Literacy: Not all teachers may be proficient in using ICT tools and digital resources. Refresher training provides opportunities for teachers to improve their digital literacy skills, including computer proficiency, internet research, multimedia creation and online collaboration.
  4. Promoting Student-Centred Learning: The Refresher Training empowers teachers to adopt student-centred approaches that prioritize active learning, collaboration and inquiry-based instruction. By mastering ICT tools and resources, teachers can facilitate student-led projects, problem-solving activities and assessments that promote deeper understanding and engagement.
  5. Addressing Classroom Challenges: Teachers may encounter various challenges when integrating technology into their classrooms, such as technical issues, digital distractions and accessibility concerns. Refresher training provides strategies and best practices for overcoming these challenges and maximizing the benefits of ICT in education.
  6. Supporting Differentiated Instruction: The Refresher Training helps teachers differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of their students. Teachers learn how to use technology to provide personalized learning experiences, accommodate individual learning preferences and support students with special needs.
  7. Fostering Professional Growth: Continuous professional development is essential for teachers’ growth and effectiveness. The Refresher Training offers opportunities for collaborative learning, peer sharing and reflective practice, enabling teachers to continuously improve their teaching skills and adapt to changing educational contexts.
  8. Preparing for the Future: In today’s digital age, ICT skills are essential for students’ future success in higher education and the workforce. The Refresher Training equips teachers with the tools and strategies to prepare students for the demands of a technology-driven society, fostering digital citizenship, critical thinking and lifelong learning skills.

Overall, Refresher Training plays a crucial role in empowering teachers to harness the power of technology to enhance teaching and learning outcomes, promote student engagement and achievement and prepare students for success in the digital age.

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World Bank Partnership in Ethiopia

Late last year, Camara Education Ethiopia signed an agreement with the World Bank to become a partner in their project entitled ‘Response – Recovery – Resilience for Conflict-Affected Communities in Ethiopia’. The recent conflicts in various regions of Ethiopia, on top of the grave human suffering that they caused, resulted in the destruction of countless schools and their infrastructure. As a result, many children were deprived of an adequate education for years. Through this new partnership, Camara Ethiopia is being funded by the World Bank to assist in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of schools affected by conflict. The highlights of our participation are: 

  • Digital Learning Centres to be established in 100 schools
  • 3,500 computers to be installed
  • 550 teachers to be trained in the use of IT in education.

Here, some of the equipment is being checked and despatched from our offices in Addis Ababa.


Partnership with Helios Towers

Helios Towers is a leading multinational independent telecommunications infrastructure company, focused on driving the growth of mobile communications across Africa and the Middle East. As the leading independent towerco in Tanzania, Helios Towers Tanzania supports mobile operators as they expand their coverage across the country. 

Last year, Helios Towers Tanzania donated computers and funded Camara Education Tanzania to set up an eLearning Centre at Kurasini Secondary School in Dar es Salaam. The success of that project has led Helios to commit to supporting at least one more school a year in the future: the centre at Mkwajuni Secondary School in Zanzibar was completed in time for the new school year in September 2023; a centre at Mzumbe Secondary School in Morogoro region will become operational later this year.

As ever, Camara’s contribution involved much more than installing the networked computer lab – at Mkwajuni we provided a broad range of locally-appropriate learning materials and conducted an intensive 5-day training program for school leaders, teachers and students. This training initiative was a transformative experience, equipping a total of 27 dedicated teachers and 7 school leaders with the skills necessary to effectively manage their classrooms, create educational materials and confidently navigate the digital realm. 45 students also took part, learning how to leverage computers to enhance their learning, acquire essential digital skills, and explore the endless possibilities offered by the digital age. These skills will be passed on to their peers.

The grand unveiling of the computer lab at Mkwajuni school was graced by the presence of Tom Greenwood, Group Chief Executive of Helios Towers, and the Head of the ICT Training Department from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in Zanzibar, Sadiq Makanyaga.

Tom Greenwood, Group CEO of Helios Towers, speaking at the launch

Tom Greenwood delivered an inspiring message to the students, encouraging them to embrace a lifelong journey of learning and to dare to dream big. He underlined that their potential was boundless, with the power to become engineers, doctors, athletes, or anything they aspired to be. Furthermore, he urged them to harness these computers as tools for their personal growth and transformation.

Sadiq Makanyaga

In a parallel context, Sadiq Makanyaga, Head of the ICT Training Department, emphasized the pivotal role of teachers in ushering in this educational transformation. He pledged continued support and ongoing training for educators to streamline and enhance the teaching process. Mr Makanyaga expressed a strong desire for teachers to shift away from traditional teaching aids such as blackboards and chalk, noting the success of smart classrooms in many other countries.

And this is what a couple of the students at Helios schools had to say:

 “Experiencing a computer for the first time was like stepping into a whole new world. I had never touched a computer before, and to be honest, I was a bit nervous. But the teachers and Camara Team guided us patiently, showing us how to navigate the system and use basic applications. As I started exploring, I was amazed by the vast amount of information and learning resources available. The computer became a window to a world of knowledge that I had never seen before. It opened my eyes to new possibilities, and I’m excited to continue learning and exploring with this incredible tool”

Mwanaidi Othumani

“Receiving the computers has changed the way I approach learning and problem-solving. Before, I struggled with accessing the latest information for my science and history projects, but now, I feel more confident and informed. Computers have opened up a world of knowledge that has inspired me to delve deeper into various subjects and expand my horizons.

James Liwale

A view of the completed lab

MOU signed with Makueni County

Camara Education Kenya and the County Government of Makueni signed a new Memorandum of Understanding at a meeting presided over by Makueni County Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili and attended by Camara Country Director Biniam Yayehyirad, County Executive Committee Member for ICT, Education and Internship Elizabeth Muli, Camara Kenya Technical and Communication Officer James Jira, and other representatives of the county Government of Makueni.

Deputy Governor Lucy Mulili and CEC Member Elizabeth Muli sign the MoU
Camara Kenya Country Director Biniam Yayehyirad signs the Agreement

The key objective of this collaboration is to increase access and opportunities through ICT for as many individuals within Makueni County as possible and specifically:

  • Increased access and digital literacy for students and community members in Makueni County, both in and out of school;
  • Increased capacity of teachers and school leaders within Makueni County to incorporate ICT into teaching and learning;
  • Increased capacity of staff working in Makueni County’s Department of ICT, Education and Internship to use ICT in their roles;
  • Increased opportunity for students to develop technology-based skills and understanding of STEM subjects through ICT clubs;
  • Increased learner motivation and engagement by supporting inclusive education;
  • Technical support and guidance to ensure ICT equipment can be fully utilized and benefited from;
  • Provision for e-waste management so that all end-of-life equipment is appropriately disposed of; and
  • Strengthened relationship and partnership between CKE and Makueni County for the overall benefit of Citizenry within the County.

Under our previous agreement, in Partnership with Dell Technologies, Camara Education in Kenya has provided support to 15 secondary schools, 3 technical training institutes, and an innovation centre in Makueni County.

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Turning Roses into Computers

Sher High School in Ziway, Ethiopia, has received not one but two brand-new e-learning centres, thanks to generous funding from the Dutch Flower Foundation and Afriflora.

Afriflora/Sher Ethiopia grows, harvests, grades and packs roses at three farms, the largest of them on the shores of Lake Dembel just outside Ziway. Between 2.5 and 4 million roses are processed every day and transported to Europe for further distribution. This makes Afriflora/Sher Ethiopia the largest rose grower in the world and the biggest supplier of roses in Europe, as well as a major foreign currency earner for Ethiopia. Around half of the students at the Ziway Sher High School are children of Sher employees.  

Camara installed 50 computers and two servers in the two centres, and our trainers spent a week training 26 teachers on how best to use the computers to deliver the curriculum and giving advice on basic maintenance.  We’ll also provide ongoing support. Camara’s computers run on the Ubuntu open-source operating system. They are pre-loaded with a range of educational software, from simple games to specialized Camara Learning Studio resources for maths and science. All computers are also loaded with an offline version of Wikipedia, creating an extraordinary learning resource for schools with limited internet connections. And most important of all, the computers are installed with PDFs of Ministry of Education textbooks covering the entire school curriculum. Textbooks are in very short supply in many of Ethiopia’s 40,000 schools, so this alone is a crucial resource.

The Dutch Flower Foundation (DFF) aims to improve the living conditions and well-being of people in need and in particular children. They focus on countries where Dutch Flower Group (DFG) companies are active with an emphasis on connected community projects. Through the activities of DFF, DFG gives substance to its responsibility for the world in which we live.

Hundreds of students will benefit from the new computers according to Sher School director Mr Negusse Aga: ‘Computer-skills are extremely important for our students. Sher schools have an excellent reputation in Ethiopia. Almost all the students qualify to attend universities. New computers enable us to uphold our reputation and open the digital world to our students. On behalf of the students and teachers we would like to sincerely thank DFF and Camara for their highly appreciated contribution in this project.’


Dell Technologies Partnership update

The second phase of our latest project in partnership with Dell Technologies in Ethiopia was completed in April, as the tenth school was connected to the server at Camara Ethiopia’s offices. This project allows us to remotely monitor the eLearning centres at these ten schools, in addition to the five that were beneficiaries of the first stage of the project.

Each school has been furnished with a networked eLearning centre equipped with 25 desktop computers. In addition, Camara provides teacher and leadership training to promote stakeholder engagement, as well as access to Camara Learning Studio via the server, supplying curriculum-aligned content for maths and science classes for students in grades 9 through 12. Our technicians provide support and use the server to track and evaluate learning outcomes by analysing usage data on the Dell server.  

The principal aims of the project are two-fold: to improve teaching quality through training; and to enhance students’ experience, academic results and life chances with digital education.

Each school has been furnished with a networked eLearning centre equipped with 25 desktop computers. In addition, Camara provides teacher and leadership training to promote stakeholder engagement, and access to Camara Learning Studio via the server, supplying curriculum-aligned content for maths and science classes for students in grades 9 through 12. Our technicians provide support and use the server to track and evaluate learning outcomes by analysing usage data on the Dell server.  

Students in the lab at Don Bosco School

The principal aims of the project are two-fold: to improve teaching quality through training; and to enhance students’ experience, academic results and life chances with digital education.

Teachers’ Professional Development will lead to:

  • Improved teachers’ capacity (both contents and pedagogy) in teaching Science, Mathematics and English subjects with IT
  • Improved teacher motivation and interest in the teaching profession

Provision of the networked lab and usage monitoring will lead to:

  •  Increased classroom interaction in the teaching and learning process
  •  Decrease in student dropout rate
  •  More efficient management of the ICT infrastructure and resources resulting in more effective eLearning centre utilization

The schools involved in the second phase are:


While we continue to offer support to the five schools from the first phase:


Teacher Andualem Tsegaye praised the scheme:

Andulem Tsegaye, ICT teacher at Don Bosco School

“I have been an ICT teacher at Dilla Don Bosco Secondary School since 2005. Now that we are using the new eLearning center based on a timetable, we are noticing a gradual improvement in academic results and students are happier to learn thanks to the Camara computers. They are also more motivated in enhancing their education.”

Semera Girls' leader

Empowering Female Students through Digital Literacy

Camara Education Ethiopia in partnership with British Council Ethiopia

Camara Education Ethiopia has been collaborating with the British Council in Ethiopia on a project involving six secondary schools in the Afar region and fourteen in Amhara. Both areas are in northern Ethiopia and were impacted by the recent conflict there.

In each school the project set up a fully functioning e-Learning centre designed specifically for the school’s individual climate and context. Computers were funded by the Ethiopian Ministry of Education, while Camara Education supplied the hardware, networking and technical support, ensuring that equipment was protected from power surges, heat and dust. The schools provided the rooms, furniture and their own dedication, committing to maintain the labs in the long term.

To support the use of the centres, the British Council and Camara Education provided initial and follow-up hardware support and software training. Each computer is loaded with educational resources and programmes working both on- and off-line. As well as British Council materials, these include resources from the Ministry of Education and Camara Education Ethiopia.

Empowering Girls

The centres aim to build skills and confidence specifically for female students. Gender and girls club members will be prioritised for using the labs and take on the responsibility to teach their peers. Two students per club will lead the training, which will cascade across all the students and staff at the school. This prioritisation aims to improve achievement levels for girls and gender club members, giving them status in the school and society and raising their ability, capacity and motivation to learn.

In Afar, training for teachers, club leaders, directors and education officers took place in the new e-Learning centre at Semera Girls’ Boarding School. The school is situated on the edge of Semera city, almost 600km northeast of Addis Ababa. The e-Learning centre is a clean, well-organized room at the heart of the school, now lined with desktop computers, with fans to cool them in Afar’s hot climate.

Putting Training into Action

Alem Tsehai, who works in another school in the project, explained the need for these e-Learning centres, “There are lots of challenges in my school”, she said, “there are only a few books and resources. This is a big opportunity to use this training and resources to improve my students’ learning outcomes. We used to have no computers in my school. Now Camara and the Ministry of Education have supplied more than 40”.

Another participant at the training talked about how labs can motivate teachers’ support for female students, “After this training I will have more resources for girls’ education and I will focus on girls’ education”.

Implementing Change

The training considered how to ensure this initiative is accepted and promoted across communities. Engaging the community will increase the impact on girls’ education.

As one of the teachers put it: “We need to work with religious leaders. We need to encourage them to send their girls to school. Once in school we need to support girls to engage more with school and with technology.”

Once back at their schools the teachers’ work must be two-fold, as one participant explained, “I will cascade this training for other teachers when I return to my school and focus on girls’ education”. Another recognised the project aims as sitting firmly within their own hopes for education: “If I was made the Minister of Education I would raise teachers’ professional competency. I would implement policies and improve learning outcomes.”


Leadership Training supported by Dell Technologies

As part of our ongoing partnership with Dell Technologies, we’ve been providing school leadership training in both Ethiopia and Kenya. Head teachers and senior administrators play a key role when it comes to integrating digital technology into schools. The objective of this training is to empower school and education leaders so that they can understand the potential and practicalities of digital learning and support teachers’ use of ICT to improve student achievement.

In Ethiopia, support from Dell Technologies in 2022 enabled Camara Education Ethiopia to provide five schools with upgraded eLearning centres, each with 25 computers. Camara and the schools can track usage of the computers through a remote server using Camara Learning Studio (CLS), a platform that provides curriculum-aligned content for maths and science classes for students in grades 9 through 12.

Refresher leadership training was provided for the leaders of the five schools, including a presentation of each school’s usage data as tracked through the remote server and discussion of strategies to increase usage. The schools involved are:


In Kenya we have also been running training for secondary school leaders as part of our STEM STEPS Towards Positive Futures project in association with Dell Technologies.  A session at Khadija Secondary School, Mombasa County, was attended by leaders from Khadija Secondary, Kongowea Secondary, Al-Farsy Girls Secondary, Msumarini Secondary and Mnarani Secondary. In Kilifi County, north of Mombasa, a training session at Shangia Secondary School included leaders from Shangia Secondary, Migundini Secondary and Mwijo Secondary.

Also this month. in Makueni County, leadership training at the Makueni PWD Vocational Training Centre, attracted heads and administrators from five secondary schools and three vocational training institutions: Moi Girls Kibwezi, St Jude Girls, Kavingoni Secondary, Kambi Mawe Girls, Mwaani Girls, Kathonzweni County Technical Training Institute, PWD Vocational Training Centre and Makueni County Technical Training Institute.

We would like to thank Dell Technologies for being such an amazing partner throughout this journey of the STEM STEPS towards positive futures project.


A Container of Computers

The latest consignment of computers has arrived at our offices in Mombasa, Kenya, part of our ongoing partnership with Dell Technologies to bring educational technology and digital access to marginalised areas. 23 Kenyan schools will benefit from new eLearning centres, and we’ll also be setting up three ICT innovation hubs.

As soon as the container arrives it is unloaded, prior to thorough final checks on the equipment before it can be dispatched to a waiting school. Thanks @DellTechnologies!